to a recent study by Leadership IQ, the biggest statistical driver of workplace
satisfaction for workers between the ages of 21-30 is whether their supervisor
recognizes and praises their accomplishments.
Only 30% of workers ages 21-30 would strongly recommend their
organization as a good place to work. Interesting
contrast is that 47%
of workers ages 61-70 would strongly recommend their organization as a good
place to work, making them the most satisfied age group.
This study also found
that younger workers do not feel they are getting nearly enough praise and
recognition. Only 39% of these younger workers agreed that their supervisor
does a good job of recognizing and praising their accomplishments. Keep in mind that when it
comes to retaining younger workers praise and recognition
does not cost your organization anything.
According to the survey younger workers want praise
and the older workers want clear measures of their performance.
Another take away from
this survey is that one management style does not fit all employees. This is
also true when it comes to recruitment. Each age group is motivated
differently and must be considered to attract and retain both younger and older
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